Monday, November 25, 2013

So Much To Be Thankful For!!!

God is SOOOO Good!!! 

I am most thankful for Jesus giving His life for me.  Just as the people  used to bring an innocent lamb to be slain for their sins... the owner would walk the lamb up to the priest, the sinner would place his hands on the lambs head.  In that action the sins of the man were transferred onto the innocent lamb.  At the same time, the innocence of the lamb was transferred to the man and the man was now considered 'clean' for one year and then the lamb was sacrificed.  The next year the same action was required and every year after.  Jesus' sacrifice was so great - it not only is good for ever and ever, but it covers all who accept Him. 

I am so thankful for my wonderful family!  My husband who has a never ending source of patience and such a giving nature; my oldest daughter Emily who is the best Mom to our Grandchildren and such a pillar of strength; my son-in-law Daren who is such an involved Christian Dad and just returned from a 6 month deployment to the middle east with no bitterness in his spirit; our Grand daughter Madison who thrills me with her smile, intellegence and inherited passion for horses; our Grand son Trestin, who despite being all boy, is not too self conscience to throw his whole self into hugging you hello and good bye; our youngest daughter Joy, who is one of the most positive, strong, forgiving and hard working young ladies I have ever seen.  I am thankful for my brothers, James; who is an ever present help when I need him and a good shoulder when life gets a bit bumpy; Tom who is so loving and giving and an amazing counsellor; his wife Adelaide whose happy spirit inspires me and makes me feel so welcomed that I know I could talk to her about anything!

My family is rather small.  All of my Grandparents and my parents have gone, so (gulp) my generation is the oldest in our clan, but I could not be more blessed!!!

Prospierty, the farm, the new future house, the animals, the crops and all the other material blessings - along with so many hidden blessings are like the icing on the cake. 


What are you thankful for this day? 

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Don't forget the horses that have also helped you on this incredible journey!

I'm thankful for my family, equines, friends and life in general!
