Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I Have a New Little Buddy...

I went out to feed this morning and saw something that made my heart sink... one of our ewes over by the fence screaming by 2 little white things - and neither one moving or making any noise.  I waked over to her and looked down at the first lamb.  I lifted it's leg to see what sex it was - a boy.  obviously the first born because he was quite cold already.  I then walked over to the second lamb.  This one was splayed out on the dirt like it had been hit by a car.  I did not even want to touch it, but I always want to know the sex, so I grabbed its back leg and it barely raised it's head and made the softest baa sound.  I grabbed him up into my jacket.  Of course, last night was not only cold, but very very windy.  I tried to stand the lamb up under his momma, but after sniffing him for a moment,she would have nothing to do with him....so here I am, in my office with a little mascot.  I do not know if there is something wrong with him or if he is just cold and weak.  He did drink some lamb milk supplement - but as of yet, has not been able to get up on his legs.

What shall I name him? 


RiderWriter said...

Oh, no, poor little baby!!! Is the ewe at least taking care of his brother? Looks like you have a bottle lamb on your hands. I sure hope he picks up and acts/feels better soon.

I (heart) lambs and would love to have some sheep one day. Yours are particularly adorable. :-) The name Buster just popped into my head - maybe a tough-sounding name will help him gather strength? Or maybe Romeo?

RiderWriter said...

I just re-read your story and realized that the first lamb had already died... :-(( I hope you can save this one!

Pam said...

My first thought is "Baa Baa White Sheep." And then I got stuck on "Baa Baa" since he's drinking from a bottle. Or, "Boba" for Bottle Baby. He could be Boba Fett :)

RiderWriter said...

How's Little Lambie doing??

Anonymous said...

Try to milk mom for the colostrum, if she gave birth within the past 24 hours you should still be ok.

Anonymous said...

you should name him cory its a sweet sounding name.