Thursday, September 26, 2013

Southeastern Charity - Part 3

These are the last of the pics I wanted to share from the show - kind of a mish/mash combination...

I stayed, along with all the others at Maranatha Stables, at La Quinta in Conyers,
GA.  I normally do not like this hotel as out of the multitides of hotels I have stayed in when I was the regional editor with Saddle and Bridle magazine, La Quinta was consistently the worst of the worst... BUT - if there is one thing you can expect from me on this blog - is that I will tell the truth!  This La Quinta was really nice! 
 Here is Connie showing her 5 gaited gelding!

..and another cute picture I caught of them!
Here I am with Sport after Tommy showed him in the Park Stake class. 

We had a wonderful dinner at a country club - I believe it was Friday night.

Rewards of a great show, and this picture was taken 2 days before the show was over!
 Connie winning the Championship

...and another shot of the winning pair..
This Is Joy (not my daughter Joy) catch riding.
 I thought this was a cool picture.
 I loved this show!!  The people, the facility, the attendance, both exhibitors and spectators and the horses.... the wonderful horses!!!


JJ said...

Your pictures are really really making me miss horse shows! I haven't really felt that in a while ;)

Claire said...

Congratulations Julie.
The rewards board is impressive...