Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Well ~ If You Are Going To Dream ...

There are a few things that I long for.  Obviously, they have to do with riding and riding aside.  I have a secret dream of opening up a sidesaddle academy called .. ironically Riding Aside! I would have to have a covered riding arena, maybe like this....

No, no... let us dream BIG now .. so something more like this!
Something I have had issue with lately is mounting blocks.  They are irritatingly made for astride riders, being both too small and too short!  So, in MY covered riding arena, the mounting block will look a bit like this! 
There must be a private area, if you get my meaning.  Here is the entrance. 

..and a small private area to meet & make GREAT BIG PLANS for the future!
So what do you think??  My favorite part though is the imaginary look on the girls faces as they master each new manuver with their horses.

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