Monday, May 24, 2010

28. Janice Grinyer

"Hello, my name is Janice and I am a equuaholic. I have been an equuaholic since I was ten...." In my past life I went to school for Animal Science with a minor in Equine studies, but I realized I dont like eating raman noodles for a lifetime so I wised up and am now in Forestry. We have not combined the two careers yet, but once I convince my business partner (and DH!) that it is easier looking at trees from a higher advantage point, I'll be there with boots on..sorry, i digress...

In order to make Julie (whose on her pony when she was a lil' scooter - now thats cute!) not feel like the odd one out, my photo is in black and white also. It also is cropped to protect the innocent...I wanted to have a photo taken esp. for all of you, but today in Wisconsin its supposed to be in the 90's (in May?! regional warming, ack!) and so we dont want to ride and take pictures. Unless one of me laying face down on the ground eating arena sand, passed out from heat prostration would be suitable...

Baby and I would like to pursue sidesaddle because we think it will make both of us look slimmer.

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Janice Grinyer said...
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