Friday, February 10, 2012

Linda Owens

Almost every single person interested in American Saddlebred horses knows of Linda's work. I was thrilled to find a few of her new creations have included sidesaddle as the subject matter. I hope you enjoy her art and her story!

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Linda Owens was born in Minneapolis Minnesota.
Her father was the athletic director for the entire school district,
and eventually became the first Chairman Of the President's Council on Physical Fitness.

Born an only child, to a beautiful blonde homemaker, Linda was never spoiled but held to a higher standard than many children her age.

Her interest in horses came at a very early age when she entered a pony naming contest sponsored by Pepsi-Cola. The name that Linda chose for the pony, was chosen by the company, and so suddenly a second grade girl owned her first horse. It was Shetland cross and didnt like her much..but it was hers!

She wound up having to find a place to board said pony, and came across an old saddlebred barn just outside the cities.Eventually the pony was sold and Linda entered her highschool years oblivious as to just how close she had winged her very destiny.

Eventually she wanted to ride again and wound up riding jumpers under the direction of Heir Von Blosher, a German Calvary man.

Time marched on, and Linda earned a scholorship to Stephens College.

While there she met Jim Simmons, the son of the Great Art Simmons.

Eventually she graduated with honors and making the Dean's list.

Linda spent many hours at the Simmons place working and jogging the horses there and becoming very close with Ollie Simmons, Jims mother.

After college, Linda moved back to Minneapolis and married, worked in commercial art,eventually landing in Colorado with her husband , where she gave birth to a daughter. Thereafter, she again, worked in commercial art.

While in Colorado, she began teaching riding to upwards of 200 students and the famed Gloraloma Ranch was born.

Her love for the American Saddlebred Horse,has only grown with time, and she has become a very successful horsewoman and equine artist.

She went on to have 2 more sons that have reflected her equine interest and are active within the Saddlebred industry to date.

Linda's Love for the breed is evident in her expressive , impressive art work, and her careful depictions cannot be matched.

Linda is one of a kind when it comes to her life, her children, and her art.

Her work truly is, a "Labor Of Love".

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