Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Kenneth D Rowe

Nooo - Kenneth does not ride aside! .. but I do think you will enjoy his biography and his art!
Kenneth D. Rowe, though born in New Brunswick, New Jersey in 1977, was raised in Appleton, Wisconsin by his Mother and Father with his two elder sisters. At age 19, after a relatively normal childhood punctuated with pursuits in music and sports, Kenneth left Appleton to attend the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse. Several years passed as Kenneth searched meaningful pursuits until he discovered a blacksmithing course in the art department that looked promising.

Having grown up in a home with a large workshop and an industrious Father, Kenneth found himself at home working with his hands and excelled in both his blacksmithing and jewelry class. During this time he also spent a year working with his professor, William Fiorini, at his private metals studio, Koka Metalsmiths, in Dakota, Minnesota.

In his final college years, Kenneth discovered the sculpting studio. Sculpting helped Kenneth move on to the next phase of his development by combining his design aesthetic in jewelry with his predilection for working with larger pieces in blacksmithing. Kenneth worked tirelessly in the studio, often working well into the night, until his graduation in 2004 with a Bachelor of Science in Fine Arts.

After moving to Fort Myers, Florida in 2006, Kenneth spent the next several years working in unrelated fields until the market crashed and he found himself in need of a new career. In late 2008, Kenneth founded Leviathan Arts, L.L.C. and began working as a full time sculptor. Since then, Kenneth has been building a new body of work and has been showing in several exhibitions, including his most recent solo show “Epiphany” held at Daas Gallery in 2012.

...Now here we have the 'horsey' connection. When I first started my blog, I had monthly give aways and one of them was for one of Kenneths tack hooks like this one.Each hook is hand forged and, once assembled, measures approximately 14" long by 10" wide, with a weight of about 3 lb. Upon completion, he hand stamps his studio signature into the piece before it is given several coats of oil. The resulting combination of heavy steel with an oil finish results in a hook that will outlast any other tack hook on the market today.

At the time I had my give away, Kenneth was embarking on a new project and could not make any more tack hooks. I am happy to say that he has stared to make them again. They cost just $79.00 USD + shipping each. Quite a bargain for such a piece of useable art! I have one and LOVE it.

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