Sunday, June 17, 2012

Third Lesson On Sport..

..aside!!! Okay - so the first time I rode him in the sidesaddle, I did not use a cane. The second time, I did use the cane and found out he is very responsive to it. Now with the third lesson with Leslie, for the first time, the entire lesson was aside, where before I would ride him astride first and then change out his tack. Before, Leslie would instruct me in the saddleseat saddle and kind of leave me alone when I rode sidesaddle. Today when I got to the barn, I asked her to give me my entire lesson sidesaddle. When she hesitated, I just said she could just as easily instruct me this way by watching my body position and my hands and look at the cane as if it was my leg. I am kind of pushy....I know... but I know this is meant to be! Leslie admitted she was worried at first that she was putting me in harms way be letting me do this. Now she knows that is not the case. Sport is AMAZING!!! Great animaton is not sacrificed with the sidesaddle. He has a wonderful attitude and I completely trust him. I know I can wear a historic sidesaddle suit on him without worry. Although we are not show ready, it is just a matter of time. Sandy does not get back in town until late tonight, which is good and bad. While I am happy to have a few rides that have built up my confidence make a good show the first time she gets to see it, but I hate having to wait another week! Margaret was at the barn today too. She is a very seasoned rider and Saddlebred owner. I love to watch her ride after my lesson is over. When I ride Sport, I think I look good. I think Sport looks good and happy... but when someone you admire and respect tells you that and then even goes on to bring it up to others .. well you really believe it. Nothing could have wiped the smile off of my face. In fact - it is still there! I promise to get action pictures very very soon!

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