Esther started riding when she was 16 years old. She rode in a fair in Seville and was hooked. From there she rode in exhibitions and shows. Now she compeats and teaches others how to ride. Here are a few pictures of Esther.

She rides in a show entitled Equus Noster. Equus Noster means "Our Horse" in Latin.
It told the history of Spain on horseback. (
The show link video is:
The Spanish Association she is affiliated with is called Monta Amazona. This is the web address. Only a small part of it is written in English.. but the pictures alone were more than worth taking a peek! Look closely and you will again see Ms. Otero! This is their logo:

Edited to add:
Quote from Esther:
The horses are Spanish (PRE) Anglo-Arab, English (PSI), anglohispanoarabe, Lusitanian (PRL) Hanoverian .... All trot, gallop, canter, and have good walk.
All are tame and do dressage.
Other Spanish dressage horses have (DOMA VAQUERA Y ALTA ESCUELA).
I do not know how to explain in English.
The horse in the picture is HISPANOARABE
Here is another video of Esther you might enjoy!
Wow! Those are amazing photos and what a fascinating person to "meet"... thanks for sharing Julie :)
What beautiful photos! She looks so completely relaxed and at ease aside - I think I could train for the next 20 yrs and hope to look only half as elegant :)
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