Rider Grip is what they are called. They stick onto your saddle and are not permanent. You can peel them off!! This type can not only add grip to the bottom of a sidesaddle that is leather instead of linen, but it can also be used as a small riser if you need a level adjustment! I ordered this, so I will let you know later what I think of it.

This is their web site if you are interested:
They also make top side grips. I would not mind getting one of these for the seat of my sidesaddle and my cut back saddle, since both are pretty slippery!

Let us know how you get on with these as I'd be interested in the shim set for Hattie due to her awkward conformation. I wonder if they ship internationally?
Really interesting. I'd love to hear how they work out as well.
Yes, let us know. I was thinking that since they come in a set of 3, I could use one for the seat,and cut the other two for a double shim. I wonder how they would stick to themselves?
Leila, if they don't ship internationally, I would order them and forward them to you.
Thanks Brita! :)
I think you'd have to double check about competition legality. I know you can't have any kind of pad or adhesive on saddle seats in dressage, but I don't know about the other organizations. Of course, if you never left the saddle how would they even know it was there?
Does seem like a very sensible solution to the slick seated sidesaddle problem.
Granted, I haven't read the Saddlebred rules in forever, but we hear of rules changes pretty quickly. We could even show with those wonderful cushie quilted pads. Heck, I've seen driving loops sewn into the reins!
My thought process is that it is rare to see someone come off their horse when the horse is behaving..It usually happens during a refusal or a tantrum. If something this small can help a rider stay on, and in essence stay safe, it should be approved by every riding association and club!
Brita - the one I ordered is not the 3 piece set, but the circle that you cut in half.
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