..a book entitled 'Official Horse Show Blue Book; Devon Horse Show', published in 1920, commanded a whopping price of $250.00. Did I want this book - YES I DID! Did I win this book... uhh - no, sadly not for that price, but it made me wonder about the buyer. Was this a book collector, a sidesaddle memorabilia collector, or possibly someone who fancied the history of the Devon Horse Show. It could have been a Saddlebred historian or even a Hunt rider.. What a wonderful book to have in ones collection.. but alas - not in mine. I am, however, very glad that I saved these pictures to share with you!
The Blue Books come up all the time, but that Devon issue must have been rare. I admit I've never tuned into them to know if it was or not, but I'll be watching for it now that I know there is quite a bit of Sidesaddle content.
I saw that book too but it went for more than I wanted to pay too! Wouldn't you just love to flip through and see all of the pictures??
The Blue Books come up all the time, but that Devon issue must have been rare. I admit I've never tuned into them to know if it was or not, but I'll be watching for it now that I know there is quite a bit of Sidesaddle content.
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