Hi there,
My name is Caroline Mosley, I live in Scotland with my hubby John and I am the proud owner of 2 horses. Ellie is a 5yo TB mare and is due her first foal in July next year, by an Irish Draught. My other horse Jack is an Irish Sport Horse who I event (pic attached). As well as eventing I have just taken up side saddle with him. I bought myself a brand new saddle last week (pic attached) and can't wait for the winter to be over so I can get going with him. I hope to compete at the Royal Highland Show next year. the only thing I have to show me doing side saddle is the first time I sat on my friends horse (my second ever go at SS) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoGVwosaQug
Ps - also FYI, there has been a programme on the BBC in the UK called Downton Abbey featuring a hunting party with the ladies riding side saddle,

I asked Caroline about her beautiful saddle and this is what she told me:
I bought my side saddle from a master saddler in Wales, he made it on a new side saddle wide tree and for a competition a few years ago. Since then it sat in his workshop on display until he decided that he should sell it.
Anyway it was on ebay and I bought it probably for half what it is worth! It fits my horse really well (bit of flocking movement required) and the only thing I need is a stirrup leather making up (it has an owen stirrup fitting). I am very excited about it as I only thought about trying side saddle when I watched the class at the royal highland show last year and i remembered that I'd always wanted to try it - so I bought a lesson for my birthday and since then I've just caught the bug!
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Yeah Caroline!!! I am so excited for you!! .. but sad that you have to wait until next Spring to really get started riding aside.
That's great! Lovely saddle too. Will she be jumping aside?
I wonder if we can get that show Downtown Abbey on the internet somehow?
Yay! That's a gorgeous saddle. Hopefully Caroline will have a chance to try it out sooner rather than later.
You can watch past episodes on the ITV website but they only keep episodes on there for a certain amount of time before they delete them from the site:
With all these new riders doing side saddle and a lack of antique saddles (and new custom saddles costing an arm and a leg), I think the established manufacturers like Barnsby, Jeffries, etc are going to have to pull their finger out and start making side saddles. Barnsby used to make them, I wish they would again!
Hello all
No jumping aside, just pretty flatwork! thank you for liking my saddle, I can't wait to try it out!
Sadly - you can only view :
this web media if you live in the United Kingdom.
Well, it looks like you'll have to move over here then to watch it ;-)
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