Wednesday, October 20, 2010

In The Movies...

Did you know that Angelina Jolie rode aside in the movie Tomb Raider? Sadly, all the scenes were deleted and can only be seen in the extra information usually following a movie purchased on DVD. She did all the stunt riding herself and was quoted as saying that she enjoyed riding aside more than any other stunt work she did on that movie!

She sure looks elegant... well - minus the gun anyway!


JJ said...

She does look great, but you're right, the gun looks really out of place and kind of ridiculous!

SmartAlex said...

Nah, I think when I get to riding aside, I'll be wantin' a gun myself!

The Equestrian Vagabond said...

didn't know that... very cool! I still think I'd fall off...
- The Equestrian Vagabond

Anna Larson said...

I'm glad to see you back posting. I do remember that the sidesaddle riding made at least the DVD release. I've seen that stunt at least once in the movie but I don't remember where it was at.

Anonymous said...

It's good to see you back at it! thanks as always for your delightful posts ;0)

sidesaddlegirl said...

They showed that film on TV over here in England not too long ago. I missed it but my husband and little boy saw it and reported back to me that Lara Croft was riding side saddle! I wonder if they only cut it out for the American audience and left it in for Europe? I don't know why movie companies do that.

Michelle said...

Forget the sandwich case, she needs a gun case for the offside! LOL

Oregon Equestrian said...

Now that's what I want to see in an action adventure movie!

Kind of reminds me of the Ginger Rogers comment. She did every step that Fred Astaire did, only backwards and in heels.

Angelina galloping with the guys -- aside!