Well, right before my life took a right turn down Crazy Lane... I found this beauty on (of all places) Craig's List. It is a Knoud. Now THIS saddle is a true treasure!!! It is almost completely original and is in better condition than my Champion and Wilton was!

So guess what? I have never had the chance to try this saddle. It is sitting and waiting... for me. For my life to become a bit more 'normal'.. for our farm chores to be caught up enough so that when Don and I are here together... he can help me with this new piece of equipment... instead of repairing fencing... or finishing a project that is way overdue..or (fill in the blank of any number of farm chores that you can think of!) ...snicker snicker....
I am careful..so although I look at it longingly, I will not try it out on Oliver unless someone else who is horse savvy, is here with me.
I really like that Knoud saddle, I've always liked the look of them but you can't get them over here. There are two types of Knouds, park and ones made for jumping, I'd love to be able to get a park one for dressage.
You should treat yourself (even if you don't want to ride in it just yet) and just try it on Oliver while he's in the cross ties just to see how it fits him and take a pic for us to see!
I just love your new saddle. And I am so glad you are back posting I hated not having you blog to read.
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