Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Jump Jump Jump...

Jumping aside intrigues me...

...but not enough for me to want to try it! ha ha


sunvalleysally said...

Repeat after me: no jumping, no jumping, no jumping!

At least until you are thoroughly conversant with jumping cross saddle. If you haven't jumped before at all, start with that, and start on a lesson horse that is used to "packing" over fences as you'll have enough to think about with your position and timing without having to worry about the horse getting across the fence. If you have a background in jumping, please to excuse the caveats!

Warning: JUMPING, like sidesaddle, is truly ADDICTIVE!!!

If there are any hunt clubs in Texas in your area (check the Chronicle of the Horse website for info) you might like to contact the Hunt Secretary for permission to attend opening day (that's where all the pagentry happens) and "hilltop" - then you can turn out sidesaddle in appropriate hunt attire (formal hunt attire with the addition of an apron, check the sidesaddle organization websites for "mandatory" details). You won't be jumping if you're hilltopping but you will be participating with other hilltoppers and have the advantage of watching the rest of the hunt membership and deciding if this is what you would like to do.


sunvalleysally said...

Adding, to make easier for you, hey Julie I think there might be an article here for you to run with: Saddlebreds who hunt! Saddlebreds who jump!

This is the list from the Chronicle of the HOrse website, you'll need to google each hunt by name as the website didn't list contact info.

TEXAS - Brazos Valley Hunt; Cloudline Hounds; Hickory Creek Hunt; Independence Foxhounds; Kenada Fox Hounds; Longacre Hunt.