Thursday, July 30, 2009

Have You Noticed..

..that I post a lot of sidesaddle art on my blog?

I don't just do it as a filler for times when I do not have anything else to write about..

I do it because I have started a collection of sorts. (why is the man so small in the picture??)

I enjoy a craft called decoupage...

..and you will also notice that on my sidebar, there is a category for decoupage. The pictures are here for me..or you to take as you please to use for such a project.


Hosanna said...

I love the art. Keep it coming.

Kaede said...

I suspect the "little man" is actually a boy child. Perhaps the lady's son.

Leah said...

I agree with Kaede, I think the little man is a little boy, looks like Mom is watching over him closely.

girasol said...

I love the several pictures where the lady and man are galloping or jumping, but at the same time sitting there having a conversation, looking very relaxed! Funny!