Sunday, February 5, 2012

What An Honor..

Today at my riding lesson, I was asked if I would be interested in trying to ride aside on the farms most advanced lesson horse. This is a lesson horse with all of the pop and circumstance of a true American Saddlebred show horse, but with a calm enough demeanor to carry several different riders. He is HUGE. Not one centimeter under 17 hands! I rode him today astride. I have come to realize that I now feel more secure riding aside than astride... well at least on a horse that I feel sure will not rear up on me!

Oh yes - and one more thing.. if Jose, the barn name for the lesson horse, takes to the sidesaddle... I will get to show him in an Open English Pleasure class at a saddlebred show!

Pinch me.. someone just pinch me!


  1. So cool! Can't wait to see pics!!

  2. Congratulations! That is exciting, Looking forward to your progress together and pictures too.

  3. That's so wonderful! It reminds me of my time at William Woods University. I took dressage lessons in a barn full of different horses, many of them cast offs from the other disciplines at the college (western, jumping, and saddleseat). Everyone leapt at the chance to ride the fancy younger horses with potential, but I felt the most blessed of all to ride a 24 year old "narcoleptic" thoroughbred named Jimmy.
    Everyone seemed to write him off because of his age and odd quirk of falling over when he would fall asleep. But in his prime he was a competitive FEI level horse! I knew what an amazing opportunity it was to ride a horse like him and took every advantage, eventually showing 2nd level with him and doing well (much to the dismay of several seniors, "Karen NEVER lets freshmen ride above training level!").
    Unfortunately the university was a bit too far away from home for me, so I had to tell Jimmy goodbye after a semester. But I took with me all the gifts and lessons he taught me.
    So long story short, I'm super excited for you and can't wait to hear how you've picked this awesome sounded horse's brain! :D
