Sunday, January 29, 2012

My New Jacket..

..and waistcoat made by Cindy from Wild Horse Fashion. I HIGHLY recommend her if you need something custom made. She is extremely talented and very reasonably priced! Her link is on my sidebar under favorite web stores.

..and here it is!

It is a linen fabric and it has not been professionally pressed yet. Cindy told me it needs to go to the cleaners to she put it "beat into submission!

Also - it is more cream than it appears in these pictures.

I plan on making a few more embroidered silk skirts to go with this jacket for the Spring shows.

One project that is proving more difficult than I thought was to find a skirt fabric that included the color pink. For the first time ever, I will be showing aside at the Pin Oak Charity horse show... the very horse show where my Grandfather introduced me to American Saddlebreds. This is a DREAM show for me and this show raises money for Breast Cancer Research. One of the things they do is have "pink classes". Not only do almost all the riders include pink in their attire, but in the classes where the horses have ribbon braided into their manes, yes.. you guessed it.. even the horses are adorned with pink.. So I continue to search for just the right fabric. Not too much pink.. just a touch will do.


  1. Absolutely STUNNING!!

    You will love the linen in the summertime, so much cooler!

  2. REALLY pretty! Can't wait to see your pictures from the pink show :)
