Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Couple of Interesting Antiques...

Look at this amazing antique Dinner Menu from the Ocean Bluff Hotel! Why they chose to use a magnificent drawing of a lady riding aside puzzles me...but no matter... what a lovely collectible!

..and this is an antique enameled Vesta Case.
Can't you just see the beautiful calling cards that this case once held? Opps - I have been corrected. A vesta case was used to hold matches - not calling cards.

..and here is an antique that has nothing to do with sidesaddle, riding or horses.. this is a piece I went to an auction to buy... only to find out it was a part of a 3 piece set. Alas I did not have room for the other 2 pieces, so there I sat.. melancholy and pouting as I watched my beautiful Victorian dressing mirror with lingerie drawers go to another bidder....and YES.. I am still pouting..


  1. A vesta case would only have been used for vestas(matches) not calling cards. ;-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I just bought that menu on ebay, I can not wait till it gets here.

  4. Oooh, I see why you are bummed out about that dressing mirror. It's gorgeous.

    Just wanted to tell you I have left you an award over on my blog! :-)
