Thursday, December 8, 2011

TASHA Photos From the Photographer

Jerry Mohme Photography did a really good job of getting a large assortment of show pictures of us for me to choose from! While I just love the pictures taken from the near side so that you can see my skirt...

..I have to admit that this is my favorite photo out of them all. Oliver's ears are up, his body position is perfect and Oh My Gosh - I am even smiling!

Another one I liked.

Remind me again why it is that we cannot wear black gloves - even if it is the color most suited to our riding attire???.. Just joking.. I know the reason. I am just not entirely sure I agree with it anymore.. especially after looking at this picture!


  1. I love the second one! Kind of reminds me of the lady in red painting you posted before.

    (Oliver looks so much like a sweetheart I knew growing up and that is such a "Kish face")

  2. Okay....what IS the reasoning for rule against black gloves?!

  3. Lovely photos, you and Oliver look wonderful.
    Fiona; I'm pretty the no-black-gloves rule comes from a time when cheap leather was dyed black to hid imperfections. When wet or sweaty the dye would run and stain a lady's hands which was understandably not a good look.

  4. Love love love the second one, Oliver just looks so cute!

  5. what is that skirt made of? It is just FAB!

  6. The skirt is embroydered silk. I love to use this fabric since it is extremely elegant and the embroydery offers 'traction'. It is still a bit more slippery than wool...but managable. I also love the way it flows! A third silk skirt is in the works for the Spring breast cancer 'pink' classes I will be riding in at Pin Oak.
