Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Project Involving YOU!

I just bought another sidesaddle. I was warned when I got into this sport by other enthusiast's that once you start, you cannot only have one sidesaddle! They were right. I did not buy this saddle though as a part of a collection, but rather as a secondary riding saddle. Here it is:

It is an Owen with a medium/wide tree. Made around 1930. Doeskin on seat and pommels, linen and serge underside. Comes with its original, numbered Owen breakaway stirrup fitting (matches plate on saddle), new sidesaddle iron from Britain.I am totally in love with this saddle and it should arrive shortly after I have to send my Knoud away for restoration.

Anyway - what I would like from you is to send me your sidesaddle photos and as much information about them as you can - especially the approximate date they were made and we can compare the different brands and how they changed through the years!

E-mail any information and pictures to


  1. Gorgeous new saddle. Owens are the cadillacs of sidesaddles.

  2. That was my friend's saddle that I sold to Jeanne. It is VERY nice. Enjoy!

  3. I don't own a side saddle, nor have I ever ridden in a side saddle, but they are so intriguing to me! If I had the opportunity, I would love to try the sport... perhaps I'll need to go out and find my opportunity!

