Saddle Post:
To date, I have not received any emails about your sidesaddles.. so hopefully a few will come in this weekend. I really think it would help someone new to sidesaddle riding and wanting to purchase a saddle, get an idea of what to look for ... and what to watch out for too! I get so many e-mails from people who do not comment on the blog and it must be so because my stats say that this blog gets around 8,000 hits a month!
Posture Supporter verses Corset:
While I have really enjoyed my Posture supporter, I wanted to give you a bit more information about it. The one I purchased runs very small. I am 5'6" and as of this morning weigh 137. I normally take a Small and sometimes a Medium. When I found this garment, it was only available in a Large. I bought it anyway. I went to a different Ross a few days later and found a Medium. Although I can get into the Medium, it wants to ride up to my waist as the large stays in place, even when riding. I wore the large at the horse show last weekend.
I also want to point out while I really do enjoy this garment, it is not a corset. It does 'contain' the waist area a bit.. but does not come close to offering the perfection of a figure line to which a corset does. I for one, still plan on purchasing a real riding corset in the near future!
Next Show:
My husbands surgeries have now been scheduled for the 18Th and 19Th of August. See www.equusvilla.blogspot.com for more information on this. It looks as though I will get to go to the next schooling show at the Great Southwest Equestrian Center! I may sew up a full cotton skirt just for these shows.. to keep cool and not risk damaging my good riding costumes and habits.
I am looking for information about the very first safety sidesaddle stirrups, years they were produced, by what company, and any other general information anyone might know!
I have to confess that I didn't bother to email you about my sidesaddles, as I assumed you would be innudated!
I'll get you some piks and email them this weekend. I only have 2, a new one and a Victorian that I know nothing about, so not alot of help, although the new one might be interesting for comparison purposes :)
Check out this eye candy! It is from a model horse show for ceramic/porcelain/china models only. https://picasaweb.google.com/115337629618970706939/BOYCC?authuser=0&feat=directlink#5637677686829171202
I don't have a sidesaddle but I did stumble across this woman who competed in ACTHA competition sidesaddle.
Is the link. That's amazing to me.
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