Are you ready to be amazed?? Look at this hand forged antique bit for a ladies horse!!! My mouth dropped open when I saw this and my heart screamed, "I WANT"!!.. WELL - well, until that is, I noticed that with 7 hours left on the e-bay counter, the price is now up to almost $350.00!

Oh be still my heart... as images of a well seasoned sidesaddle rider hide beneath a riding suit no less intricate as this beautiful bit, flood my imagination!!!
I saw that one on Ebay the other night and thought the same thing! It's absolutely gorgeous!
My boyfriend used to make bits and I showed him the picture and suggested it'd be really neat if he could make on like this! Doubt it'll happen but wishful thinking is never a bad thing! lol
Would that really be an efficient bit? I always thought a snaffle mouthpiece with a curb wouldn't be as effective as a simple mullen mouth. (We've always been a pelham bit family.) However, if I had money to blow, I'd be tempted by that auction. Thanks so posting. I shall track that to see the final price.
I think it would likely still be quite effective as it would work on the bars, tongue & exert poll pressure. A person would have to be super careful with the curb rein though, those are some fairly long shanks!
I saw it and wanted it too. I have a small collection of vintage bits, but all snaffles. Nothing THAT fancy!
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