Monday, January 3, 2011

Things I WON'T Be Doing in 2011!

Riding my horse on a boat... not unless I am wearing my swim suit!!!

Ummm, I can't see myself riding with an umbrella.. My horses think umbrella's are equine killing devices!

Jumping aside... but ESPECIALLY not without a bridle! This is Robin Scarborough, who sent me an e-mail with this amazing photo!!

Jumping over a HORSE sidesaddle..

Jumping over a table sidesaddle..

..and last but certainly not least - I am sure I will not be skipping rope while riding aside either!

I found this amazing picture on e-bay. A guy was selling a huge lot of Circus posters and this was one of them. Just amazing huh!!!!!


  1. I love how the guys in the table picture look like they're just hanging out enjoying a glass of whatever.

  2. Great picture - I can't imagine being on a horse in a boat. In Pony Club we had to jump a picnic table on a cross country course. It had the requisite red and white table cloth, lots of carrots and buckets of water on the sides. But, we didn't do it side saddle!

  3. LOL, Wow! Those are some wild things to do! I don't think I'd be doing any of those things, no matter which way I rode! Cool photos!

  4. I can't believe they rode on a boat!! I love the skipping postcard though.

  5. The skipping rope is AWESOME!
    My horse knows 4 tricks... we will not be adding this one.

  6. I love the way that the woman jumping over the table is also holding a glass.

  7. My horse will cooperate with a whole lot of crazy things I ask, but I'm not so sure he'd go for the whole boat thing.

    I do however, want to learn to jump sidesaddle some day!
