..this week, so my posts will be more pictures than information. Don is scheduled for yet another surgery on Friday. A special thank you to my daughter Joy for coming out to the farm to stay with the animals, especially since the weather is suppose to be just HORRIBLE!
On a lighter side, I love to cruise E-bay for everything and anything sideaddle related. There are several art dealers who deal in reproduction and prints. There is one however, that has a very large selection of sidesaddle prints by the name of 2 paws up. Here are just a few of the prints that are offered!
OK, the second one was really funny to me... I realize she is looking into a compact or similar, but at first, she really looked like my friend when she talks on "speaker phone" with her cell!
I also laughed at the second picture...mostly at the idea of a lady stopping to check her makeup in the field. :D