BUT - there is one bit of news that is very exciting.. I bought another sidesaddle!!! I was shocked to find this beauty on Craig's List. I am not sure what I am more excited about... the suede seat or the wider forks...or maybe the Martin and Martin designed flap lifter..so that the rider can tighten the girth while on the horse!!! Here is my newest edition:

This is a drawing of the mechanism that is on my new saddle!

wow! A side saddle on Craig's List? I'm still trying to find one for myself. I'll have to add CL to my search!
GORGEOUS!! Hey wanna share the wealth ;P
Found this on evil-bay the other day. I want it badly, but it may go out of my price range. Thought I would post it on here... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120575240309&ssPageName=ADME:B:WNA:US:1123
"EVIL-BAY"...that is classic!!!
Wow! Looks like a great find! It's beautiful. I think you'll LOVE the wider pommels.
This sidesaddle thing is addictive (or "habit" forming as some might say lol), I'm up to 3 now, 2 rideable, one not. So much fun!
That is almost my dream saddle, where was it located?
Yeah! what a find!! I have one I bought on EvilBay!! (ha! LOVE that!) I have it now at Lillian Chaudhary's now being reworked, needed some billets and restuffing, to make it "new" I reccomend her for anything Sidesaddle for repairs! She honestly loves sidesaddles, so will treat them like they are her own. She's giving my Grand Dame a facelift. It's worth it to send it all the way to California! How much was shipping, to Ca? It was $38.50 Parcel Post from NC. reasonable IMO!
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