Most ladies believe that riding aside is elegant and charming - a wonderful reflection of the past... They are right...BUT - that does not mean that you cannot ride sidesaddle in any discipline. Yesterday I posted some beautiful hand crafted Western sidesaddles and here is another one...

..Well, here are some inspiring pictures for all of us! There is NO reason why we cannot enjoy our sidesaddles outside of the show ring and in the confines of a costume.

Now ~ Let's all go TRAIL RIDING!!!
Another beautifully tooled saddle.
I guess we shouldn't be surprised by sidesaddle trail.
A couple of decades ago my hunter/jumper friends and I joined a poker ride using our postage-stamp jump saddles. Some of the western folks raised their eyebrows, many more were pleased to have us join them. We had a blast using our "tack of choice."
Very pretty saddle!
I love to see the photos of people 'out of costume' on sidesaddles. Very educational. Thanks
Oh hey! That's me and my Danny out in the park! Unfortunately that saddle never did fit him in a way that made me comfortable, so that was the last ride in it. But it was a good one! I'm dying to get back aside and compete in dressage. I'm ever on the lookout for a nice english sidesaddle that will fit my little 15 hand TB and not break the bank of a full time art student (yikes!)
Well Lindsey - you look amazing!!! and if you had not told me - I would never have known that the saddle did not fit right.
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