Camp Leaping Horn 2010 will be held in July this year, due the WEGames. Dates are: July 22, 23, and 24. Yes, that is Thursday, Friday and Saturday. On Sunday afternoon the Liberty Network will hold the fun show that usually occurs on Sunday of SS@USET weekend. How's that for being able to make the most of your time and fuel money?
SSA testing will be offered on Wednesday, July 21st. Please let me know as soon as possible/ASAP/quick-as-you-can if you intend to take riding level/grade tests or instructor exams, as I need to arrange for enough examiners at appropriate levels. Any questions on testing, just give a holler to Shelly at MMLMom@aol.com or 908-722-3665 . If you need a syllabus, I'll be happy to send. Those of you who have come to Camp before will find syllabi in your notebooks.
Reminder: Start NOW, don't wait, to increase your fitness as well as your horse's fitness-to-carry-a-sidesaddle. That last phrase is crucial to remember. His/her back needs to begin NOW. In 2009 everyone worked hard at and all were successful at keeping horse-backs from becoming SS-sore. This year let's work to increase the number of lessons taken aside. Make this one of your goals!
Sadly - with a 26 hour one way travel time, I cannot attend this event with Oliver. This would be my dream clinic - so if any of you are anywhere near here, I suggest you do not let this pass you by!
Ooh, I'd love to but it's too far away for me too.
Too bad you cannot attend. Maybe that can go on your list of things I really should do one of these days......when life is a little less hectic! I have a few of those, too.
Amiable brief and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.
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