My name is Michelle Chauncey. I have been riding sidesaddle for almost a year now. Before that I've shown gaited horses, rodeo'd, done the hunter jumper thing, some mock foxhunts and am now a certified english coach. I live in Alberta, Canada and had wanted to ride aside for the longest time but I couldn't seem to find anyone that could teach me and finding a saddle in usable condition seemed even harder. I finally found a wonderful group of ladies that taught me to ride aside and I've been absolutely hooked since then! I bought my first sidesaddle last fall from a really nice lady in Virginia. I ride my 17 year old Westphalian mare sidesaddle, currently we're learning to jump aside. I love the costumes, elegance and uniqueness of riding aside! I have to say, I've met more wonderful people from all over the place since I started my sideways adventures! I'm doing my best to get a sidesaddle group going up here in Canada, so watch for us!
Here's a video of us doing a demonstration at the Mane Event Horse Expo this year. I was so proud of our flying changes

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