I am sure you have heard of the popular clothing store ~ Abercrombie & Fitch. Well, did you know that the Abercrombie family used to not only own and show many American Saddlebred Horses, but they were also the owners of Pin Oak Stables and were the founders of Pin Oak Charity Horse show?
This horse show was considered the social event of the year in Houston, TX. and tickets to the Saturday Stake night were more difficult to attain then today's Superbowl Football tickets are!
So, it was no surprise for me to find this set of fine bone china, fashioned with a Saddlebred portrait produced by...who?? Abercrombie and Fitch!

Sadly, this pattern is discontinued and the only place I could find it was from Replacements LTD, an Internet store that deals specifically with discontinued china, silver and crystal.
Okay - I know this is not specifically about Sidesaddle...but it is really good trivia!
So cool. I Had no idea. Replacements LTD is located in the Town where I live. Its HUGE. And they are Pet friendly. People get to bring their pets to work!
I think it is sad to see the "old" farms and names go by the wayside. I wonder if the up-and-coming will have the same class, honor and integrity. The arab world is not the same as the old guard goes down. The plate is so beautiful. Are you trying to put together a set?
No- sadly there is no room at the inn for more china....snicker snicker
...maybe one day if we ever do get to build a 'normal' house I could collect some more. It would be cool though for a picnic basket set if there were only 2 or 4 setttings.
Hey - did you know that Abercrombie & Fitch actually used to be a big name in sport clothing? I have a repro of an old aviation gear catalog they put out, and even better, my riding habit was made by them!
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