After every show, I try and allow myself time to relax and sometimes I even take a week off from my lessons. I basically regroup, get my thoughts aligned to the direction of reviewing my last show and see what I need to work on. It was a bit harder to regroup after this last show, since I felt like I was my own worst enemy! ..but as always, once I got back into the saddle and had another good lesson, my spirits soared and I am right back to square one...just as excited as I was the first time I rode a horse when I was about 5. (You can read about that on the new blog if it interests you.)
Well, this week again, I had a wonderful lesson. Posting the trot, pushing myself as far as I could go - (note to self - WORK HARDER ON CARDIO!) I get out of breath way too soon! We also did a lot of work on flat walking..something Oliver thinks is beneath him! ha ha ..
Anyway, after our lesson was over, my instructor Kelli allowed me to continue riding while she gave her next lesson and I happily did so. I was in the saddle almost 90 minuets and although I was wearing riding tights, I came home with this.. is a closer look..

..and even closer!

So I ask you....Am I committed to this....or do you think I should be committed because of it??! snicker snicker....
that does look tender , If you enjoy it the pain if worth it I would say
Moleskin the next time. That stuff is great. In the summer when I was younger (like 12 or 13) I used to get up at 7 and after the horses were done eating I would saddle up and go riding for the day. I used to wear shorts and then my chaps over top of them that way when I got too hot I could take them off or if I went to the lake I could swim. Well one day I left at 7 am and didn't come back until after dark. I had a saddle sore on my shin that was fuzzy green and bright red oozing. I learned and wore moleskin there the next ride I was gone for a day in those chaps.
Moleskin??? Tell me more.
The riding pants I was wearing had suede patches on the inside of the legs..
I think the reason I have the abrasion is because my right legs is over the fixed head of the saddle ...and I was working so much at posting. With that leg bent around the head, the fabric was creased right there...
Committed !! for sure :)
Och!! looks really sore. When I was in the 2nd grade, I rode my first horse bare back and ended up with 70 boils on one leg!! I still have scars today. It was a staff infection that needed soaked in epsom salt 2x a day and wrapped and rewrapped for 6 whole weeks. Ihad to lay on the kitchen table to go through this whole procedure. It left me with a very stiff leg after the wrapping came off! I haven't been on a horse since! But I love watching others ride. I love the 'grace' of these magnificent animals.
Take care!
Patrina <")>><
Ouch!!!! I got one of those but in a bit more private place the first time I rode in an english saddle. I was wearing JEANS... OUCH! Seams and pinching in all the wrong places!
Moleskin is great! They make moleskin breeches - it's much softer and smoother then suede.
Besides moleskin you could stitch a patch of light weight polar fleece inside your tights. mmmmm....soft. I've put it inside jeans over the inseam.
Might want to consider a queen as well.
Ow, ow, ow. A quick fix may be some vet wrap. Horseman's duct tape!! I would say commited. Commitable indicates obsession. I do not think you would go that far, would you????
EEEEEowwwch!!! That looks PAINFUL! Moleskin might be a really good idea!
Riding sidesaddle looks so elegant, but I was to Tom Boy to even think about considering it... especially after I saw my first sidesaddle in real life... amazingly UNCOMFORTABLE looking!
More power to you girls that are willing to work on that, though! Always try what you really want to do...
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