Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Interesting Saddle

If you have read this blog for any length of time, you know that there is a lot of worthless junk sold on e-bay for riding sidesaddle. Every once in a while though - you can find something nice, historic, or just plain interesting. I found this to be a bit of all 3!

This is not something that I am in the market for - but what a beautiful historic antique saddle that, I might add is in pretty good shape!

It is not safe and rider ready though and I want to point out that without the leaping horn, it would be down right dangerous to use.....but still, what a beautiful historic saddle it is!


Vintage Linen Treasures said...

This doesn't look comfortable at all! But I do love its historical value. Very Cool.

WarPony said...

It is beautiful, it would look stunning cleaned up and on display.