Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Apple Does Not Fall Far From The Tree!

...this is my Grand Daughter Madison at her very first horse show:

Getting her hair and make up done.  All the riders from this barn wore a red turtle neck and a sweat shirt with the farm logo on it.

waiting for her turn to ride and cheering her friends on.

waiting to mount..

making adjustments - Daddy is right there doing all he can while Mommy is behind the camera.

She is a natural... Cool as a cucumber!

...and her class is called....

Mommy was too busy watch the class and cheering to take pictures... I totally understand that!!
...and NOT a bad take for her very first horse show.  She showed 2 times - each time with 4 in her class.  In the first class, Academy Performance (judging the horse) Madison placed 4th.  Second class was Academy Equitation (judging the rider) and she placed first!!  It was a walk trot class and she had to post on the correct diagnals. 

We are so proud of you Madison and I can't wait to see you show in April!

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