Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Fall Fest Horse Show ~ Baton Rouge, LA. - PART 1

This is the first time I have showed here.  It is a smaller schooling show - akin to our Texas TASHA show... just what both Joy and I needed!  This was the first time Joy was showing her horse Southern Revival since his gelding and more training in the full bridle.

This show is held on the campus of LSU in the Agriculture building.

..and while I LOVED the show arena...It was huge and the lighting was great both day and night!

..and how nice the center ring was decorated..

..the long narrow warm up area left a lot to be desired.  This was more of a isle/chute into the show ring than it was a warm up arena.  Horses showing in cart had to stop and walk a tight turn in order to reverse.
Joy was the first to show Rev in their new division - Show Pleasure.
Kendall made some last minute adjustments before she mounted up..

..and started to warm him up.

This horse is so beautiful and although he looks like a fire cracker, he is one of the most sensable horses I have ever seen!!!  I just LOVVVEEEE Him!!!
...and becuase I am a MOM.. I stood by the rail and watched them show, coached her from the sidelines and cheered when she lined up - when I realized I was suppose to be taking pictures...
..oh well - that is what photographers are for - RIGHT???

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